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Friday, May 17, 2013

5-17-13 Bright colors! Yay! Neon Fire recruiting!

Hey everyone! Emory here!

Today we'll mess around with BRIGHT COLORS!! :D


(Blue and Pink, for the most part)
The blue and Pink go well together as bright colors.
If you don't understand this, look at some of these color wheels:
(Note that there are many different color wheels, these are just a few)
Color Wheel 1

Color Wheel 2

Color Wheel 3
Now I don't not want to bore you to sleep, so I'm not explaining everything.
Look at Color Wheel 1.
You will see that Color Wheel 1 has rich, darker colors, and Orange matches up with a dark blue. I know its not pink, but if you take a look at Color Wheel 3, you'll how close they are (pink and orange).
Look at Color Wheel 2 now.
You can see that pink matches up with a greenish color. If you look at Color Wheel 3, you can see how close those colors are (aqua and green).
Look at Color Wheel 3.
This Color Wheel gives a more in-depth look at the Color Wheels. Pink matches up with a sea-green color. Close, right?
My point that they are complimentary has been stated.

Looking for recruits!
Neon Fire- ourWorld crew.
Will feature-
Models, who may get gifted.
^(depends. ask for more info.)
And more!
(We need staff. Please contact Emory!)
Look up Neon Fire on ourWorld!

Cya l8ter!
►do not copy◄


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