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Thursday, May 30, 2013

5-30-13 How to get the looks of NPCs: Cammie FAIL

Hey everyone! Emory here!

Today I will show you how to look like Cammie.

The things I cannot show you that you will need will be-
Sky Twin Tails Hair
Purple Hair color
So this didn't go as planned, but I'm posting this anyway. The colors are kind of backwards. This was a fail.
Cya around!                                      
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Friday, May 24, 2013

5-24-13 Jordan

Hey everyone! Emory here!

Well with my computer today I decided to just show you Jordan's page. I think It's strange how they aren't level 150...

Cya around!


Saturday, May 18, 2013

5-18-13 Neon Fire MEMBERS NEEDED!

Hey everyone! Emory here!

I need recruits for NEON FIRE!

What neon fire is all about:

The website above is my main blog, and to the left on the home page it will tell you about Neon Fire!

A brief explanation-

We need Models, Photographers, and Event hosts!

The model will model.
The photographers shoots the pictures.
(Shoots will be scheduled and are shown in private crew info once you join. Open shoots sometimes.)
The event hosts will host parties or events of which everyone will be open and welcome to attend.

Check out our Crew Page in ourWorld and look at my (Emory) bio. :D NOW c: GO. DO IT. NOW.
oh, intimidation.
Anyway, please join! We need members and more staff!

Oh yeah and Models, photographers, and event hosts will be gifted each month as long as you are in the crew.
If you or someone you know is interested, contact Emory. (Preferably a comment becase my PM box is filling up).

More info will be giving upon joining! There won't be fighting! (Trust me, I've had enough) Causing trouble will get you kicked out, no matter what rank or position you are in.

Thanks! Pics. are posted to!

Cya around!


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Friday, May 17, 2013

5-17-13 Bright colors! Yay! Neon Fire recruiting!

Hey everyone! Emory here!

Today we'll mess around with BRIGHT COLORS!! :D


(Blue and Pink, for the most part)
The blue and Pink go well together as bright colors.
If you don't understand this, look at some of these color wheels:
(Note that there are many different color wheels, these are just a few)
Color Wheel 1

Color Wheel 2

Color Wheel 3
Now I don't not want to bore you to sleep, so I'm not explaining everything.
Look at Color Wheel 1.
You will see that Color Wheel 1 has rich, darker colors, and Orange matches up with a dark blue. I know its not pink, but if you take a look at Color Wheel 3, you'll how close they are (pink and orange).
Look at Color Wheel 2 now.
You can see that pink matches up with a greenish color. If you look at Color Wheel 3, you can see how close those colors are (aqua and green).
Look at Color Wheel 3.
This Color Wheel gives a more in-depth look at the Color Wheels. Pink matches up with a sea-green color. Close, right?
My point that they are complimentary has been stated.

Looking for recruits!
Neon Fire- ourWorld crew.
Will feature-
Models, who may get gifted.
^(depends. ask for more info.)
And more!
(We need staff. Please contact Emory!)
Look up Neon Fire on ourWorld!

Cya l8ter!
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

5-14-13 1st day of Trend Tower! Summer Block and Cools!

Hey everyone! Emory here!

I have started this blog to show you what's hot and what's not, (based on opinion).
Please do not be immature and post hateful comments.

Today we will mess with block colors, to be simple.
Since it's almost summer, have some fun with bright colors!
This whole outfit costs 75 gems, a little big.
Or you can buy some things with coins.
But the brightness is awesome! Summer is coming!

Now if you're not exactly a 'bright' person, maybe go with cool blues, greens, or purples for summer.
*note, at the top are 'Basic short shorts' which are 12,300 coins.

For: 250,050 coins
15,050 coins and 52 gems.

Expensive, but if you want to dress to impress, go right ahead! ;P

Cya around!!


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